Persepolis Rising - 7th Expanse book review

Persepolis Rising - 7th Expanse book review
“I’ve always rejected the great-man idea. The belief that human history was formed by singular individuals instead of broad social forces? Romantic, but …” He waved a hand vaguely, like he was stirring fog. “Demographic trends. Economic cycles. Technological progress. All much more powerful predictors than any one person. And yet here I am.”
So what happened between books 2 and 7? A lot of things, but due to lack of time they didn't get turned into reviews.
If you have not got to the 7th book, please do not read futher! Some spoilers await.
Will go into very little detail so as not to spoil the book.
The 7th installment in the Expanse Saga is simply amazing! If you’ve read the other 6 books, you know the shape Earth is in after the Free Navy attack.
The writers throw us a curve ball and continue the action 30 years in the future. The crew of the Rocinante is still there, but they’ve all aged.
It was a bit shocking for me, I was expecting some trick where the action would go back and forth through timelines. The change is necessary because the new threat that looms over everyone nees time to develop.
It’s nostalgic and a little sad to see all the characters so aged and find out they’re human after all.
I really like the feel of this book, it is unexpected and you cannot guess how our heroes will do. They are no longer young and immortal, and along with them, we have to come to peace with the fact.
I had my doubts about the books, for me the first was always the best one in the series. At about the forth or fifth I almost quit and now I can say it was worth it.
The new threat and the new villain is very well thought out. Marco Inaros, while a decent villain didn’t capture my imagination enough.
The book lets you slowly see things from both sides and you get a good glimpse into what a slippery slope is and how you can go from mildly evil to full on genocidal psychopath while reasoning that the shit you do is for the greater good.
You will laugh, you will cry and you will thoroughly enjoy the latest installment of the series. The writers seem to be at the top of their game with this one.
- Unexpected twists
- Great character development
- Believable bad guy
- You have to read through the rest of the series to get here
- They’re old! :(
Score: 7.8 out of 10.
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