Ready Player One!

The first novel by Ernest Cline it is described as dystopian sci-fi. I’m not sure it fits that description but more about this later. An interesting bit of trivia is that the audiobook version is narrated by Will Wheaton who actually makes a cameo in the book. I did not have expectations from this book. I have seen the movie “Battleship” and I heard they were making one based on “Tic Tac Toe” so my faith in entertainment(and humanity) is already low. I believed this to be an attempt at a book in that spirit. I was surprised as I saw some friends which I knew read a lot of sci-fi give good grades to the book on Goodreads so I eventually grabbed a copy for my kindle and decided to try it. I was pleasantly surprised. The book is very well researched, either that or the author is incredibly passionate about 80’s pop culture. Way too passionate, like creepy stalking waiting all night outside your apartment levels of passionate. The world is gripped by an energy crisis made worse by glob...