
Showing posts from November, 2016

John Dies at the End review

“This is the breaking point in a human life, right here. This is waking up on an operating table to find aliens peering down at you, this is hearing the audible voice of God telling you the date the world will end. This is seeing a family of bigfoots in the forest and being without a camera. Welcome to freakdom, Dave. It’ll be time to start a website soon.“ John Dies at the End is not a sci-fi classic, it's not even sci-fi it is actually a combination of horror and dick jokes.But mostly dick jokes. If the Culture Universe is a well matured wine, kept at the proper temperature for 20 years to be enjoyed while having a veal steak enjoying great conversation with your educated friends - great taste and all the excitement of a root canal, John Dies at the End is the cocktail that mixes half the alcohol the bartender finds that you order after doing 3 shots - all the excitement in the world, followed by a splitting headache the day after when you might not even know where you wake u...

Temporal Void review

“Yet, in the end, entropy will always emerge victorious, snuffing out the very last glimmer of heat and light. After that there is only darkness. When that state is reached even eternity will cease to exist, for one moment will be like every other and nothingness will claim the universe.” ― Peter F. Hamilton, The Temporal Void This is the meat and potatoes of the series so far. It's better than Dreaming Void in the same way the main course is better than the appetisers. Two cooking metaphors, I think I better get something to eat. If the first book is the introduction, getting us acquainted with the characters and universe, the second book goes full strength on the action. The prose is as verbose as ever which gets a bit tiring, but it doesn't get too annoying. It's weird to say this but for a space opera it's not a bad fantasy book. The action happens mostly on Makathran. I don't have anything against it, though I wish Edeard would just go full postal on everyo...

Dreaming Void review

“Sometimes you have to do what’s wrong in order to do what’s right.”  ―  Peter F. Hamilton ,  The Dreaming Void Written by Peter F Hamilton, this is a complex book that is the first of the Void trilogy series. It is not however the first of the Culture Universe so you might get a little lost at first. I found a bit hard to take in all the information that is thrown at you at the beginning of the book. Honestly if you're just starting to read sci-fi this is not the best book to get you hooked on it. This is a complex, well thought out mature universe that will draw you in slowly, but once it happens you won't be able to put the book down. Humanity has evolved into one of the most powerful species in the Galaxy with different factions vying to control the path evolution takes. But with great power and knowledge come a whole different set of problems. I saw this book tagged as military sci-fi in some places, but this is more of a space opera, I really could not call it...